About Asphalt Ltd is a new, innovative asphalt solutions and consultancy provider.
We are not a contractor, but having been one for over 35 years gives us a unique ability to tailor a specialised service to all stakeholders in our industry, from clients and traditional consultants to the delivery provider.

For clients, About Asphalt offers insight and perspective on how a contractor thinks and operates, enabling you to appreciate risk apportionment and ultimately price advantage.
This will aid in insulating clients from additional charges arising from unforeseen risks. It also allows you to leverage a previously unobtainable way of considering how best to approach a project.

For consultants, we provide expertise in methodology and application. If a job can be done in a different way to that traditionally considered standard practice, yet this alternative is faster, cost effective, and gives the same or better outcome, then surely this is a sensible option to consider. About Asphalt can provide your business with depth and confidence in a truly specialised field, without the need to carry that capacity full time.

For contractors and service providers, we can be a true friend in your hour of need. Because we are not a contractor or competitor, yet we were one for over 3 and a half decades, we understand and appreciate intimately what you have to deal with. Because we were doing exactly what you were doing and faced what you have to face, isn't it a good idea to talk to someone who has "been there, done that?"
The consultancy and solution services offered by About Asphalt has come about from real world experience - the university of hard knocks - earned after more than 3 decades in this highly specialised field.
No other consultancy service has the depth of practical knowledge, capability or experience that About Asphalt has attained.
We are not a labour hire company nor a recruitment agency, yet we are able to offer skilled project managers, supervisors, foreman, equipment operators and experienced labourers.
In addition we provide full asphalt testing laboratory services and personnel for asphalt mix designs and routine compliance testing of hotmix, aggregate and bitumen.
Capable compaction experts are also available to ensure density targets are met.
We don't just provide services for hotmix asphalt; we cater for all aspects of our industry including milling and chip sealing.
We offer a comprehensive and all encompassing range of documented, step-by-step best practice procedures for most field operations in order to ensure both QA and H & S requirements are achieved.
You can purchase an off-the shelf generic version from our extensive range or we can custom build something special just for your needs.
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